What is EGO and how you reprogram it

Ego is a powerful, yet very misunderstood thing. We all have one, yet we never really think about it. We take our ego for granted, just like the air around us. We do not see it, and unless it is windy, we do not really feel the air around us, yet take away the air and you would notice very quickly!

So, what is EGO?  I am a big fan of metaphors to understand things. So, let us use a modern desktop computer (Mac or PC, your choice 😊) to understand what your EGO is.

First let us start with the basics… Your body is the hardware. Your brain is the CPU and RAM, your memories are the hard drive, and your 5 senses are the input devices (mouse, keyboard, mic, camera). Now let us dive deeper. Your subconscious mind is the operating system and what is Ego? It is a simple computer program, just like Word, Outlook, Chrome, or your favorite video game. Well, it is actually a combination of multiple programs that are running simultaneously that affect each other but let’s stay simple.

Where the OS is running in the background and keeps our machine running, the EGO is the programs we are working on in the forefront. It is the smallest part of us, yet it is the most powerful tool we have to affect change to the overall system.

We cannot tell our heart to stop beating anymore then we can tell our lungs to breathe water. Yet, Ego when properly applied can dramatically affect our systems. How? Think of a computer program. It can be designed to affect the registry, change the fundamentals of the OS and cause hardware to work or fail (drivers).

So, how does this help or hurt? Well, understanding is ½ the battle 😊

Once you understand where your Ego fits into your being, then you can leverage its fundamental properties. Ego is how your computer interacts with the world. How you interpret events is dependent on the program you are running. Example. Ever load a website in Chrome, Safari, Edge and see how it operates differently? The same is true for your ego.

When you are approaching challenges from a negative mind-set you will see nothing but pain and suffering. When you approach challenges from a place of gratitude you will see nothing but opportunity. This is a universal truth that the wise sages of ages past have been telling us over and over. The secret to happiness is to BE happy. Easier said then done, right?

It is really simple. If you are feeling, tired, drained, exhausted that is because you are running negative, energy draining programs (aka circular, dark thoughts). When you recognize that you are using the wrong program to address your problems, you simply hit the reset button and clear the cache. How do we do this? Easy1 It is called mindfulness and breathing exercises. Myself, I ascribe to the HeartMath technique which teaches us that our mind is directly influenced by our emotional state (not the other way around). What does that mean? Simply put, if you want to see a problem as an opportunity, take a deep breath, FEEL gratitude in your heart (think of something/someone you love) and then return to the problem…. Which just became an opportunity.

Don’t believe me? Why try it!!  https://experience.heartmath.com/ It works! Why? Because your ego is just a computer program. You can simply hit “Alt-tab” or “Command -tab” (for those mac users) and change the focus of your computer. It really is that simple and that effective.  I challenge you to explore this universal truth and get ready to change your worldview, you are welcome 😊