How to build a thriving business by learning to receive

We are taught from an early age that giving is better than receiving. I believe this is wrong. No, I’m not saying that receiving is better then giving. That is just as wrong. What I have learned is that to DO something great you need to open yourself up to receiving. For many operators turned entrepreneurs we take on a herculean effort when it comes to our business.

We believe that if we want to do something great, we need to do everything ourselves. This works well when we are a solopreneur starting our business, but as we gain traction, we quickly hit the wall of time and energy. Although entrepreneurs seem to have nearly limitless energy and passion to give, the truth is we are finite like everyone else. We give and give until  we are burnt out.

This happens because many of us deny receiving. When someone does something nice for us, we get embarrassed or we refuse the gift all together. Giving and receiving is part of a natural cycle, like breathing. One cannot simply exhale (give) without inhaling (receiving) otherwise they would quickly blackout!  

While giving value to the people you engage with seems obvious, far to often we refuse value given back to us because we are concerned about; being in debt, taking advantage of someone, being embarrassed to need help, wanting to show others that we are “magnanimous”, afraid of being seen as receiving charity… The list goes on, but the reality is, it is foolish.

To be one’s best self and to stave off burnout, we must learn to good at receiving. Practice the art of saying “thankyou”. You must learn to receive as well as you give. Soon you will find the universe is rewarding you consistently. Just like taking a deep breath of fresh mountain air, receiving is just as important as giving. So, the next time someone offers you something. Stop, smile, receive and say thank you. That is it! Do not downplay the gift and most importantly do not refuse the gift. Because who are you to stop someone else’s giving? 😊

Just like breathing, giving and receiving must happen in tandem to be effective. A final point, some people are worried if they accept gifts they will be seen as a “user” and “taker”. Just like breathing, you need to give as much as you receive. The more you are given, the more you give back. Its about balance. If you want to get more in life, give more value, but never forget, you must also learn to receive more otherwise you will burn out!