How to Use RASA to Improve Your Conscious Listening Skills

Anyone that wants to be successful in sales needs to practice the art of listening. That’s right, listening is an art, and it’s something that takes practise in order to do well.

Humans love to be listened to; in fact, it’s the best way to get someone to do what you want them to do. RASA is an easy to remember acronym that you should remember whenever you are in a meeting, out in public, or with a friend or family member.

Try RASA for a week and watch it transform your relationships, conversations, and experiences.

R = Receive

You must give the person you are engaged with your undivided attention. Keep eye contact at all times and try not to fidget. You must focus 110% of your energy on paying attention so that you can receive what your guest is trying to communicate.

A = Appreciate

It’s important to show signs that you appreciate what your guest is saying. Nod at the right moments, smile at the appropriate breaks and try to match their energy. It’s important to make slight agreement sounds so that the speaker knows that you are listening.

S = Summarize

Once your guest is done speaking, try to summarize what they had just said. A great way to approach this is by saying something to the effect of “So what you are saying is…” This process of echoing re-asserts their point while also indicating that you are listening to them.

A = Ask

It is so important to ask questions to get your speaker to continue speaking. This signals to the speaker that you are engaged and listening, are interested in what they are saying, and that you want to clarify that you haven’t missed any points.

Try out RASA for a week and let me know how it goes! Have other useful tips for improving your listening skills? Drop me a line; I would love to hear them!


Camille Moore