How to Work Remotely On Vacation (And Still Have Fun)

I am a huge advocate for travelling often-- and just overall rewarding yourself when you work hard. I don’t see work as a negative thing (I guess I am lucky that I love my job) but I am also a strong believer that everyone should have a job that never makes them feel like they are working. A lot of people like to “shut off” when they travel because they cannot find a good balance of working while on vacation.

I’d like to say I have mastered the art of working while on vacation. I have learned how to get my work done and stay on top of my clients and business while still having a ton of fun.  


Here is the breakdown to my method, I hope it’s as effective for you as it is for me:


1. Have a Laptop That You Can Travel With 

You want to invest in yourself and in your business, this means having technology that suits your life. When buying a laptop, you want to purchase one that is not too bulky and is portable. 

My family doesn’t like to stay in one place when we travel, we will jump from city to city or throughout different countries. If you travel like this, you need to have portable tech. Otherwise, it becomes too bulky and heavy and you won’t want to get your work done.


2. Have a Cell Phone with a Strong Data Plan

You need to have a good data plan with lots of gigs so that you can tether your computer to your phone if you find yourself without WIFI. I recommend using Rogers because the Roam like Home Plan is great for wherever you are in the world and saves you a ton of money.  


3. Have Access to the Internet  

Contact hotels/hostels before you leave to ensure they have wireless internet. Tethering your phone is a great option but if you are working a few hours a day with multiple tabs your 4G will go quickly.


4. Set a Schedule

I prefer to wake up early before the sun rises to get my work done so that I never feel like I am missing out on my travels. Sometimes I will schedule this in every other day so that I get an off day to sleep in. If you rise and start working for 5 am, you have a few hours of quiet work time to get things done while you are away.

If you need some inspo to wake up at 5 am I would recommend reading Robin Sharma’s book The 5 Am Club.


5. Know When to Log Off

By setting a schedule, you are giving yourself designated work hours to get work done. Make sure you only get work done during those set hours so that you can be present for the rest of the day/trip. It’s so easy to get sucked in, but you need to be hard on yourself. Vacations should be time to unwind and restart. If you use your vacation as an exotic new office location, you are simply wasting your money.  


6. Invest in an Online Scheduling Software  

Online scheduling software allow you to set certain days/times you are available for calls. This is great when you are on vacation because you can set your schedule and send the link to those who want to book time with you while you are away. I often put this link right into my ‘out of office email’ so that people can use the link instead of needing me to respond to their emails.


Pro tip: use specific wording in your ‘out of office’ email prompt so that those who are using the calendar link are only booking time if it is urgent. Otherwise, people will book time for topics that can wait until you are back.


Have any tips for working while on vacation? Send them over, I’d love to check them out!

-   AJC

Camille Moore