Pro's & Con's of Working With Your Wife

For many of you who don’t know, I get to share the pleasure of working with my wife. When people hear this for the first time, we get a lot of questions and jokes that are laced often (but not always) with judgement, or just plain confusion. Mostly because you wouldn’t know we work together because well, we’re happy—and really in love! 

I think I understand why people want to keep their spouse and their work separate. It’s nice to have that retreat; A place of solitude that is separate from their place of work.

So, you might find it strange that I actually tried to find a wife I could work with. We all create the vision of the life we want to live—and this so happened to be mine.

Let me tell you a little about why I believe it’s a great idea to work with your spouse.

  1. Shared Interests: The foundation of a healthy relationship.

  2. Collaborative Schedule: Makes work and home life balance easier to achieve.

  3. Healthy Lifestyle: Plan your whole life together, a true partnership. 

  4. Focused efforts: Working towards a common goal, we both live every day.

  5. Be real: Your spouse is your support network. Who else can you be real with about life’s challenges?

Sometimes I really love working closely with my wife. Other times I feel like I am slowly being driven to madness. I recognize the feeling is mutual. 

After 7 years of marriage, I can truly attest to the sentiment that marriage is not easy; and to be honest, working with your spouse does come with an extra set of difficulties. However, the benefit outweighs the issues tenfold and, it can be a catalyst for some pretty amazing stuff.

These are the 5 key takeaways when it comes to working with your spouse:

  1. Be grateful you have this opportunity.

  2. Create space to be real.

  3. Leverage each other’s strengths to your best!

  4. Share a dream.

  5. Focus on clearly communicating and listing.

  6. Hire a therapist, or 2. 

I’m sure in time I will have more points to share, but that’s enough for now. Thanks for reading. Do you have any thoughts about working with a spouse? 

We are only as strong as our network, so please connect!

Thanks for reading,


Camille Moore